Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej’s Funerals


Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej was the first Communist leader of Romania from 1948 until his death in 1965. Officially he died of liver cancer but there are rumors that he was intentionally irradiated during a visit in Moscow. Some believe that his regime was worst than Ceausescu’s period in terms of repression policies.

The pictures are made in march 1965 by my father, during the funeral parade in the center of the Bucharest. The coffin was transported on a cannon platform as you clearly see on some of the images.

Read more about Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej here.


Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej a fost primul conducator comunist al Romaniei din 1948 pana la moartea lui in 1965. Oficial a murit de cancer la ficat dar exista destule zvonuri ce spun ca a fost intentionat iradiat in timpul ultimei vizite la Moscova. Multi cred ca regimul lui a fost mult mai dezastruos decat cel al lui Ceausescu, in termeni de represalii politice.

Fotografiile sunt facute de tatal meu in martie 1965 in timpul funerariilor organizate in centrul Bucurestiului. Cosciugul a fost transportat pe platforma unui tun, asa cum se vede in cateva dintre imagini.

Cititi mai mult despre Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej here.


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